Tuesday, July 11, 2006

"Hawaiian wins Siva Afi Competition"

By Jasmine Netzler
06 September 2004

Hundreds gathered on Saturday to witness the third and final night of the 3rd International Siva Afi Competition at Matautu-tai. The young and the old sat on the ground, on seats, aching for a good view of the competitors as they took to the stage for their final performance.They drank and they dined on pizza, barbecue and other available food found at the stalls at the event as they watched the awesome performance by the six finalists that competed.

Locals and tourists watched on as the fiery knives were thrown into the air and twirled between the fingers of the dancers. They each performed with confidence and experience gained only from long hours of practice and dedication.The competition was tough, according to the founder of the Ailao Club and organiser of the competition, Lene Leota. Each performer was well trained in their art.

The judges awarded first place for the senior division to Peter Whitney of “Toa O le Afi” from Hawaii. He took home the first prize of $3000 tala. First runner up went to Harry Pupualii of Kitano Tusitala and Second runner up was awarded to Sopi Jensen of Aggie Grey’s Hotel.
Anelu Iakopo of Matautu-utu took first place in the Junior Division winning $1000tala. Second runner up went to Leato Pupualii also of Matautu-uta and third place was awarded to Malaki (Don) Lavatai of American Samoa.

“The feedback was good; the Hawaiian competitors enjoyed the competition so much that they will add more in to their team for next year’s competition. Peter Whitney will also be competing next year to defend his title,” said Lene Leota. He added that he would like to thank all their sponsors and supporters for making a contribution to the competition’s success. According to Leota the tourists were very happy with the venue of the competition as it was outdoors and set a good mood for the fire dances. The Minster of Health, Mulitalo Siafausa Vui, was there to present the winner of the sports lotto ticket, Ben Burcell with a return ticket from Polynesian Airlines to Honolulu.
  • Source: "Samoa Observer"

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